The valiant Rams fought long and hard,
But never did they win.
Each week they listened, tried, and learned;
But they struggled to begin,
But always there that awful score
Mocked laughingly at them,
And kids at school that called them poor
Had reason to condemn—
Or so it seemed—for oft was heard
From backs of rooms and such,
“Our team is awful; did you hear?
Fifty-five points is way too much
Some quit, some loafed, some stayed and cried;
Some questioned what they did.
But those who stayed had faith and guts,
The shame they always hid.
And in their hearts they grasped that hope
That someday, maybe soon,
Through sweat and weights and efforts strong
The machine would run in tune.
And so, while now we toast the guys
And girls we love so dear,
The Rams we said in small blue signs
Were coming here this year,
Were just a little late, dear folks—
Never worry, THEY’LL BE HERE!